Here’s an explanation of how to place orders using the tablet (in-store device) prepared by the shop.
Please make sure that the first screen of the registered tablet has the “Start” (Confirmation) button, and press the “Start” button to proceed.
If the device (tablet, etc.) is not registered, please follow the procedure to register it first.
Next, the items registered under the genres will be displayed in a list like this.
Great! To order “天丼” and “みそ汁” you need to click on the genre “どんぶり” first.
I see. It seems that the “天丼” is not directly listed under the “どんぶり” genre, so you’re checking the “天ぷら” tab to find it. Please proceed.
When you see ‘天丼,’ select quantity ‘1’ from the dropdown and press the ‘Add’ button.
※To place an order, you not only need to select the quantity from the dropdown but also press the “Add” button to add it to the list.
Upon doing so, the green “Add” button will change to a yellow “Modify” button, allowing you to adjust the quantity. The white number inside the red circle in the list items above and below will display “1”, indicating that the item has been successfully added to the list.
Next, I would like to add “みそ汁” to the list. To do this, I will click on the “汁もん” genre.
Upon seeing “みそ汁” I selected a quantity of “1” from the dropdown and pressed the “Add” button.
Additionally, you can observe that the numerical value in the white text inside the red circles of the upper and lower list items changed to “2” during this process.
Here, you can confirm the order by pressing the list icon with the white numerical value inside the red circle, which should now display “2”.
The added items are displayed on the list, and from this screen, you can modify the quantity or remove items.
If everything is correct, pressing the red circle “Confirm Order” button will finalize the order.
※By the way, the difference in image height is because the 天丼 photo is taken in the usual horizontal format, while the miso soup photo is taken in the vertical format. In general, it would be cleaner if you align them by using one format.
When the order is successfully confirmed, a screen like this will be displayed.
Certainly, let’s proceed with the payment.
The payment can be done from any page. You can either go to the “Order History” section at the top or click the icon highlighted in red to access the screen displaying the order history. From there, you can review your orders, and if you wish to proceed with the payment, simply click the “Payment” button.
After successfully completing the payment, you will see a screen like this, displaying the total amount and order history for your confirmation.