First, please provide the minimum necessary settings for shop information.

Select the shop information management from the menu (highlighted in blue).

Next, click on the ‘Edit’ button circled in red to proceed to the editing page.

Here, an important setting is the red-circled country (currency) setting.
Setting the country (currency) allows for the appropriate inclusion of currency symbols, number separators (comma or period), and other characters as needed.

Next is the crucial item marked in red, the URL. This will be the URL for your shop, so please choose a clear and easy-to-remember alphanumeric string that you plan to keep unchanged in the future.
※In the sample site, the shop name is ‘どんどん’ (dondon), so we’ll use ‘dondon’ as an example. If ‘dondon’ is already registered by another user, you won’t be able to register it. In that case, consider adding numbers or choosing a different name.

Next, be sure to set the consumption tax. This is an example of the tax rate setting in Japan. If takeout is the main focus, the tax rate may change, so it’s set to 8%. Tax rates vary by country or region, so please adjust it as needed. Note that you can also set individual tax rates on the product page.
Next, please enter the shop name and a brief introduction of the shop.

Finally, regarding the image, please prepare a photo of the shop’s exterior or the main dishes as this will be the main image on the top page.
With that, the minimum required preparations are now complete.
Next, please register the genre that will serve as the major category for your products.