

Let me explain about genre registration.

Genre refers to categories, analogous to the main bowls (‘donburi’) in a sample restaurant specializing in rice bowls, the ‘soup items’ such as miso soup, and additional items like ‘side dishes.’


Please select menu genre management (the item highlighted in blue).


Next, click on the ‘Add New’ button circled in red to proceed to the input page.

※Note: In the image, genres are already registered


Next, please enter the essential information: Genre name, URL, and image.

※For the URL, use simple and descriptive text with minimal changes, such as ‘don’ for ‘どんぶり’ (donburi) in half-width alphanumeric characters. For the image, choose something that represents it well. Also, make sure to save the original image used.

Finally, press the Register button to complete the registration.

Continue to register another genre or register categories that become subcategories or classifications for this genre.